Recycling Slogans - Page 4

Choose to be a scholastic; refuse plastic.

Choose to be a scholastic; refuse plastic.

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Do it for the Kids- Recycle

Do it for the Kids- Recycle

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Don’t be Trashy… Recycle!

Don’t be Trashy… Recycle!

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Don’t throw it away, it can be used in some other way

Don’t throw it away, it can be used in some other way

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Don’t trash our future: Recycle

Don’t trash our future: Recycle

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Dont be a plastic junky

Dont be a plastic junky

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Recycle the present, save the future

Recycle the present, save the future

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Enjoy nature. Recycle.

Enjoy nature. Recycle.

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Reduce reuse environment.

Reduce reuse environment.

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Wipe Out Waste.

Wipe Out Waste.

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When you refuse to reuse it’s our Earth you abuse

When you refuse to reuse it’s our Earth you abuse

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Waste it once…pay for it twice!


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Waste is a terrible thing to mind- Recycle

Waste is a terrible thing to mind- Recycle

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The choice is yours to choose, Recycle, Reduce and Reuse

The choice is yours to choose, Recycle, Reduce and Reuse

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Talk is cheap, action speaks..reduce reuse recycle today!

Talk is cheap, action speaks..reduce reuse recycle today!

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Stop! Think! Recycle!

Stop! Think! Recycle!

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Save the Earth

Save the Earth

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Recyclers do it over and over again

Recyclers do it over and over again

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Recycle. Everybody’s Doing it.

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Recycle, Duh.

Recycle, Duh.

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