Recycling Slogans - Page 5

People who recycle do it over, and over, and over.

People who recycle do it over, and over, and over.

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Just Re-do It.

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Here we go again.

Here we go again.

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Give back to the Earth.

Give back to the Earth.

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Don’t be drastic; Say “NO” to plastic.

Don’t be drastic; Say “NO” to plastic.

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Reuse old news!

Reuse old news!

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Don’t wait for your waste to pile up to your waist, recycle

Don’t wait for your waste to pile up to your waist, recycle

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Go Green, Plastic is Obscene!

Go Green, Plastic is Obscene!

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Some things are better the second time around.

Some things are better the second time around.

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One man’s trash is another man’s treasure

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure

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Play by the rules, recycle and reuse

Play by the rules, recycle and reuse

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That which you will throw away, Could be used another day

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Spread the news to recycle reduce and reuse

Spread the news to recycle reduce and reuse

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Don’t waste our future, recycle

Don’t waste our future, recycle

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Recycle your trash or trash your Earth

Recycle your trash or trash your Earth

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Give a Damn. Recycle your can

Give a Damn. Recycle your can

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Handle with care, plastic is everywhere

Handle with care, plastic is everywhere

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You’re source for second hand resources.

You’re source for second hand resources.

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Mean Green Recycling Machines

Mean Green Recycling Machines

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Eat, Sleep, Recycle

Eat, Sleep, Recycle

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