Slogans For Saving Animals - Page 11

Slogans, Motto, Taglines > Slogans For Saving Animals

If they have a brain they can feel pain.


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I rather go naked than wear fur


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Being cruel isn’t cool


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“Furs look best on their original owners.”

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Saving the turtle at a time

Saving the turtle at a time

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Eat more veggies.

Eat more veggies.

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Don’t wear the fur.

Don’t wear the fur.

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Vegetables taste better.

Vegetables taste better

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Evolve up the ladder, animals matter.

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Give Peas a chance!

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Love me, don’t eat me.

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Punish the deed, not the breed.

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Vegan: Stop speciesism.

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Vegans go all the way.

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Stop Senceless Slaughter


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Extinction is Forever

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Could your Grandchildren get a chance to see one?

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Treat Us Kindly.

Treat Us Kindly.

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Stop dog fights, protect animals rights

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Care Bear Welfare! “Don’t Wear Fur”

Care Bear Welfare! “Don’t Wear Fur”

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