Anti Women Discrimination Slogans

Stop discrimination for a better nation.


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Girls empowerment is the key to developed country.


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Only then will make a great nation of female honor.


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बराबरी का साथ निभाएं, महिलएं अब आगे आएं. (Hindi)

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महिलाओं को दे शिक्षा का उजियारा, पढ़-लिख कर करें रोशन जग सारा. (Hindi)

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नारी का करो सन्मान तभी बनेगा देश महान. (Hindi)

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A woman is human. Gender equality will only be reached if we are able to empower women.

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The status of female in any country shows its real power all over the world.


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सशक्त नारी से ही बनेगा सशक्त समाज. (Hindi)

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The way we differentiate our girls from boys is the way of forcing half population of the country backward.

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जब हैं नारी में शक्ति सारी, तो फिर क्यों नारी को कहे बेचारी. (Hindi)

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World is the greatest power of youth and beauty of the woman.


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Woman with flying over the responsibility no complaint nor any fatigue.


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When all the women in power then why ask the poor woman.


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Don’t understand a girl child a taker of money; she is always a giver in the form of daughter, sister, wife, mother, etc.


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Two women so much value to our country ‘s great elegance.

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जीवन की कला को अपने हाथो से साकार कर, नारी ने संस्कृति का रूप निखारा हैं, नारी का अस्तित्व ही सुन्दर जीवन का आधार हैं. (Hindi)

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Being different is good. Not tolerating it isn’t. Very direct and clear message.


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Women in our society are the real manufacturer.


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Woman is not in distress at all we will continue the struggle continued.


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