Go Green Slogans - Page 11

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वृक्ष लगाओ, हरियाली लाओ. (Hindi)

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बच्चा बच्चा उठेंगा, पेड़ लगाकर धरती को सजायेगा. (Hindi)

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Show your love for Mother Earth

Show your love for Mother Earth

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Wind Today, Green Tomorrow

Wind Today, Green Tomorrow

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You’ll have more green when you go green

You’ll have more green when you go green

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Solar power – The sunny side of life.

Solar power – The sunny side of life.

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Protect the trees

Protect the trees

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Green and protect the earth

Green and protect the earth

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Plant a tree and get air for free

Plant a tree and get air for free

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Once the planet is gone, it is gone

Once the planet is gone, it is gone

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Trees don’t grow on money either

Trees don’t grow on money either

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The tree is your friend.

The tree is your friend.

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Save Trees: You need them, They need You

Save Trees: You need them, They need You

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Save the trees or else they’re leaving..

Save the trees or else they’re leaving..

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Respect your elders, leave trees alone

Respect your elders, leave trees alone

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Become an Energy Star by Going Green.

Become an Energy Star by Going Green.

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Lead the scene to keep it green

Lead the scene to keep it green

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Be Seen Going Green

Be Seen Going Green

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Keep Nature Natural

Keep Nature Natural

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Nature saves us, we have to save it.

Nature saves us, we have to save it.

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