Cross Country Slogans

Slogans, Motto, Taglines > Sports Slogans > Cross Country Slogans

Real athletes run miles not yards

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Run fast or be last!

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Slower traffic keep right.


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Running is for anyone, Cross Country is for athletes.

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Pain is weakness leaving the body.

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May the Course Be With You.

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Look up, get up, but never give up.

Look Up Get Up

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Finish lines are just another reminder to stop.


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Cross Country Runners do it in the woods.

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There are no hard courses just soft runners.

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We run for the hill of it.

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We don’t run to add years to our lives. We run to add life to our years.

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I can go the distance.

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Believe & Achieve.

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We know we’re fast, pretty soon you’ll know it too.

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Cross the country, one step at a time.

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Our workouts are longer than our shorts.

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My cross country shoes have more miles than your car.

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Champions Train, Losers Complain

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Champions train, endure pain, and never complain

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