Pro Life Slogans - Page 7

Slogans, Motto, Taglines > Pro Life Slogans
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Women deserve better than abortion.

Women Deserve Better Than Abortion

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You just love your baby to death, don’t you.

You Just Love Your Baby To Death

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आज, अभी और अब से बेटी पढ़ेंगी बेटी बढेंगी… (Hindi)

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बहुत सरल है पेट में करना मुझप पर वार, हिम्मत है तो ए माँ! मुझको पैदा करके मार. (Hindi)

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Jesus loves the children of the world, the born and the unborn.

Jesus Loves The Children

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Vacuuming your conscience isn’t easy — vote Pro-Life.

Vacuuming Your Conscience

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Female foeticide.

Female Foeticide

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Too many men and not enough wives.

Too Many Men And Not Enough Wives

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